How PharmCo Rx Can Make Your Life Easier

February 21, 2020
Pharmco Rx

Managing your medications can be challenging, especially if you have to take multiple medications daily.

When you have to take a lot of medication, errors can easily happen. It is not uncommon for patients to forget to order a new prescription or to constantly miss doses.

If you are managing more than a couple of prescriptions, you may need extra support. 

And that's when PharmCo Rx comes in. 

At PharmCo, we understand that accessing and understanding your medications can be complicated. We strive to take these burdens off of your shoulders. 

As a full-service pharmacy, here are five ways that PharmCo RX makes medication management easier for you:

1. Smart-Pack 

When you take a lot of different medications, keeping them organized can be difficult. Remembering names, why you need them, and how often you need to take the medications can be overwhelming.

That's why we created Pharmco's Smart-Pack.

PharmCo’s Smart-Pack


PharmCo's Smart-Pack organizes your medications and supplements by dosage, time, and the amount so that each pouch has precisely what you need when you need it. 

It takes all the guesswork out of taking a multi-drug treatment protocol. No more sorting. No more planning. No more math. No more missed doses.

Plus, Smart-Pack pouches are customizable with the information you want to help you stay on track with your medications.

And the best part? Having your medications organized into a Smart-Pack is completely free of charge to you.

If you want to give Smart-Pack a try, call us at (888) 919 7411, or visit and one of our pharmacists will assist you through phone or chat.

2. Free Same-Day Delivery 

We keep over 2,500 medications in stock, so you don't ever have to worry about waiting for days or even weeks for your prescription to come in. Our pharmacy allows you to get the medicine you need when you need it.

Our comprehensive inventory enables us to serve you better than a traditional pharmacy. We stock everything from cancer treatments to HIV medications.

PharmCo Rx offers free same-day delivery on most medications. And instead of working with commercial carriers, we hand deliver your medicines to you. This ensures that you always get your prescription on time.

Free Same-Day Delivery

We know how important it is to begin taking certain medications right after they are prescribed. That's why all orders received Monday through Friday, and emergency medications like antibiotics are eligible for FREE Same-Day delivery. 

Our delivery service is for both facilities and residents of Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Port St. Lucie, Osceola, Orange, and Martin Counties in Florida.

3. We Work Directly With Your Doctor

Have you ever found yourself with questions about your medication, but you're not sure whether you should be talking to your pharmacist or doctor? 

We work directly with your doctor to manage your medications, educate you, and ensure that you stay on top of your treatment or preventative healthcare plan. 

By keeping in touch with your doctor, we can keep your file up to date with the right medications, dosage, and administration instructions. By partnering with your doctor, we take a special interest in your medication management and healthcare. 

We know that working with your insurance company can sometimes be difficult, especially if you're unsure of your coverage. That's why we also communicate with your insurance company to ensure that you are getting your medication at the lowest out-of-pocket cost possible. 

Our trained technicians and pharmacists can walk you through your benefits, the cost of your medication, and other relevant information.

4. Our Online Platform is Easy and Accessible

We also have an online platform where you can easily access your prescription and other information from anywhere you are. This allows you to see a list of your medications, dosages, and additional information.

5. 24/7 Pharmacist Support

As your pharmacy, we go beyond merely filling your prescriptions. Our highly qualified pharmaceutical staff is always available to answer any questions you might have. 

Our team of highly trained technicians and pharmacists will walk you through your medication protocol, your insurance benefits, and costs to make sure you are well informed and are in the best position to stick to your recovery and wellness program.

Our pharmacists can answer questions and address your concerns at any time during the day or night. We know that sometimes you have questions or problems outside of regular 9-5 hours, which is why we provide support around the clock.

If you ever need a question answered about your medications, call us at (888) 919 7411, or visit and one of our pharmacists will assist you through chat or phone.

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Managing your medication has never been easier.
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