Sitata was created by Dr. Ronald St. John, Canada's first Director-General of Emergency Preparedness, former Federal Manager of the Response to SARS epidemic in Canada, consultant to the World Health Organization, and creator of the Global Public Health Information Network (GPHIN) - the world's first digital disease detection system.
Sitata has taken the lessons learned from GPHIN and expanded upon them. We leverage the latest computer algorithms to detect not only disease outbreaks, but also safety concerns and anything else that might disrupt someone's travels, all at a much faster pace and broader coverage level than other sources.
Since the beginning of the outbreak, our customer support lines have been innundated with questions from travellers asking if they should travel or not and what their risk might be. We realized that, despite all of our collective efforts, some individuals are still going to travel if they can, and so we assembled this tool to try to highlight the associated risks and keep people informed as best we can.
This tool uses data collected from The World Health Organization, Johns Hopkins CSSE, ProMED, and various governmental public health departments.