Hi Amy, I want to take this opportunity to tell you about the best topical medicine I have ever tried (and I’ve tried a few). Thanks to you, your concern and your caring associates, I experienced pain relief. You checked on me and followed up on how the medication was working as if it really mattered to you (and I know it did). Which is a rare thing in the medical industry. After being hit by a truck at 40mph, surgery on my wrist to put in back in line, and knee surgery…….I needed a miracle help, kindness, and understanding and I found it with you.
After having surgery, physical therapy, both at home, and at the center at first all help ended. Life stopped as everything required your knees, wrists, and back but they would not do their job. I was not okay, I couldn’t sleep, lost my appetite. I certainly wasn’t capable of living life as I remembered it.
Like in a fairy tale I needed a hero I needed a medical Superman.
Amy from Pharmco Pharmacy called me about the best topical pain reliever EVER. I had been rescued. It was worth a million dollars but it should be free. My pain had me a medical prisoner. So I used it sparingly and a magical change was noticed. I didn’t cry so much at the beginning. Then my movements became more normal. I felt like Lois Lane had been rescued by her hero.
I gave up my caviar (Just Kidding).
A couple doctors have given me a hard time approving this prescription for me and I think it shouldn’t be so hard. It’s safer than taking pills and OTC’s don’t work. I have suffered without it this cream.
It was worth it and it gave me movement and less pain. They even put a special instructions pamphlet for different ways to use the cream for more relief. When you learned how to REALLY use the cream life returned. You wanted to be with people again, I wanted to look my best, and laugh more. It’s a friend I don’t ever want to live without again.
Thank you Amy and Pharmco Pharmacy.
I feel I could fly again.