As a physician, I am always looking for ways to improve the care I provide to my patients. One of the most significant areas I focus on is managing risk for my practice. I am thrilled to have found PharmcoRx Pharmacy as a partner in this endeavor. Their services have been instrumental in increasing patient adherence through their same-day free delivery, improving our brand to generic ratio, and notifying me when a prescription required to manage a chronic condition is missing from a patient's regimen. Thanks to their support, I was able to achieve higher star ratings on our HEDIS measures, which led to bonuses for myself and my practice by the end of the year. I highly recommend PharmcoRx Pharmacy to any healthcare organization looking to streamline their risk management. They truly make full risk plans a breeze.

Latino Medical Centers
14,000+ Prescribers in Florida
You deserve a pharmacy designed for your practice's needs
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PharmcoRx for providers

Our team is ready to start working with your medical office. Forget about impactable failed patients. Our team will work with your HEDIS department to make sure all patients get their medications in the most cost-efficient way.

By offering personalized delivery we can provide a comprehensive overview of the patient status including gaps in therapy, adverse reactions, and other conditions that may affect patient’s health and doctor’s quality scores.

Our goal as a pharmacy is to help medical practices improve their quality of service by providing them with a platform that ensures all their patients are 5-star patients

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